1. ALWAYS make numerous copies of your passport or ID card.
2. ALWAYS keep those important document copies in different places. If your entire purse gets stolen, what’s the point of making copies of your passport in the first place? I have made so many copies over the years, that now I just find them in random zipper pockets or bags I travel with. (That’s when you know you have enough copies.)
3. ALWAYS try to purchase a small international data plan for you cell phone or an international SIM card abroad when traveling depending on length of stay. If you have an iPhone 5s or newer the international SIM cards are pretty inexpensive and you can buy data plans at many stores overseas. If not, most US carriers charge about $20-60 for international data plans, just plan ahead and call your carrier. I pay $30/month with AT&T and rarely go over my bill.
4. ALWAYS double check for valuables when leaving anywhere, especially security at the airport. Sounds like a no brainer, however I pride myself on my impeccable travel skills and even I’m guilty of leaving my laptop on the conveyer belt after my bags went through the x-ray, complete nightmare.
5. ALWAYS carry water and food. Whether it’s a sip and a crumb or a fountain and a pizza, always bring it! You’re never going to know when you need that little burst of energy to keep you going. Granola bars are the easiest.
6. ALWAYS try to cook meals in your hostel or apartment to save a little money. If it’s your honeymoon you may want to skip this tip, but for those looking to save a little cooking even just one meal a day can save tons of money. Then when you do go out to that awesome restaurant you’ve heard about you can have everything your stomach desires and your bank account can rest easy.
7. ALWAYS wear sunscreen. Better to be safe than sorry. A bad sunburn can ruin a vacation, not to mention, they are excruciatingly painful. If you get burnt on your face a hat can’t hurt either.
8. ALWAYS pack something considerably warm and cold. Traveling through South America I was freezing and shivering on the bus rides, and then I’d get off the bus for a pee break and be profusely sweating from the humidity. No matter what the climate is where you’re going, there’s always the chance for hot/cold spots everywhere.
9. ALWAYS pack less. Less is always more when it comes to packing and traveling! Lugging around a 60 pound backpack around Thailand isn’t the most glamorous travel experience…not that I would know or anything…
10. ALWAYS ask several sources for information. Whether it’s for directions, currency questions, anything, just ask around. For example, in several countries around the world they consider walking half of a mile “undoable.” I was in Singapore and asked the lady at the information booth if a station was in walking distance. She responded with an absolute “NO, you can’t walk!” I listened, took the train, and when I walked outside I could literally see where I had gotten on the train. DER.
This is actually some pretty good travel advice. I like how most of it has come from experience hahaha! -almost like what you wish someone had told you a few years previous. I’ve read your ‘about’ section so I know you’ve been all over the place since you were a tiny tot but do you travel solo now? I tend to wander off on my own a lot but a lot of people seem to be couple travellers or male soloists. Rosemary X
Hey Rosemary! Sorry for my late response. I tend to try to travel with a fellow girlfriend or my boyfriend. My boyfriend travels a lot which is nice because we share the same passion for traveling however traveling solo can be pretty inspiring. When I travel solo I tend to feel more in control and can really do whatever I want to do, when I want to do it. I can spend a little more money and stay at a nice place or choose to stay somewhere inexpensive, you can make all of the decisions on your own. I feel really free when I travel alone. My favorite place I ever traveled alone was Singapore, it was a growing experience and one of my favorite trips of my life. You learn a lot about yourself when you’re alone. However, traveling with someone else can be comforting. There are pros and cons to both. I definitely encourage traveling solo at least once in your life 🙂